The Raspberry Pi has 3.3V GPIO. The shift register on the Large Digit Driver is a 5V device. The datasheet ( … C596.pdf) says the minimum voltage for a logic high should be 0.85*Vcc, which is 4.25V. You may have trouble using the LDD with a RPi unless you put a logic level converter in between.
You can connect the latch, clock, and serial data pins to any of the (level-shifted) GPIO. Just make sure the program you use to drive it is configured to use the pins that you’ve chosen. There is a hookup guide at … okup-guide that shows how to use it with an Arduino. It has example code that can be adapted.
For what it’s worth, I just tried the Large Digit Driver with a 3.3 volt Arduino and the shift register seems to be fine with a 3.3 volt supply and I/O so you’re probably OK to use these on a Pi. Just connect the Large Digit Drivers 5V pin to 3.3 volts and your 3.3 volt I/O will likely be fine. The diagram below shows how to connect things.
It’s good to know that it works at 3.3V. However, section 8.4.1 of the datasheet for the shift register says
This device works normally during 4.5 V ≤ V(VIN) ≤ 5.5 V, when operation voltage is lower than 4.5 V. The behavior of device can’t be ensured, including communication interface and current capability.
This, to me, indicates that you would not want to operate it at less than 4.5V for anything mission critical and that performance may vary from device to device.