LED Lights

Hello! This is my first post on here, so please bare with me.

I want to create two devices that light up. Say make two boxes with an led light pattern on them. But I want to make it where you turn one box on, and the other box turns on in response. These boxes will also be many miles apart from each other, so I thought maybe you can connect them through wifi or ethernet? Please help me! I can give more information if I need to. Thank you in advance!!

How many is “many miles?”

Like different states

Internet or over a cellular network. Internet would the simplest. When one LED is lit, send a command through a server to the other box to light that LED. The boxes themselves don’t have to be wired, but would be for prototyping purposes. After you get it working, you can have the boxes communicate over wifi and router setup at each end.

Carrier pigeon…

Anybody else google the O/P’s handle?

Thank you codlink! I wasn’t sure if that’s what I could do or not! Besides the LED’s, what kind of equipment would I need for this? Would an arduino with an ethernet port work?

It’s time to use Google. There is thousands of examples of using Arduino, LEDs, wifi, etc…

I think the most bang for the buck would be a Raspberry Pi. The code could literally be all done in less than an hour. Arduino may squeak in a little cheaper,but you’ll probably spend a lot more time writing code.

In fact, Sparfun’s phant server could probably be used as the intermediary server.

Agreed, think the Pi would be the best way. Sparkfun’s Phant server is a good idea. https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/pu … t-is-phant