Leonardo GPS

I bought a Leonardo and the GPS shield here with the EM406 module. I’ve tried using example code from here and get no response, though the module is blinking indicating that it has found a fix. I read on the arduino.cc site that the differences between the Uno and the Leonardo may be causing the problems, namely that the uno needs to reference the NewSoftSerial library, but the Leonardo would use Serial1 for GPS. I was wondering what needs to be changed in the examples to cause them to function properly. Thanks!

If you are using the UART selection on the GPS shield, then you will need to use Serial1 in your code in order to access the GPS data. This is because pins 0 and 1 on the Leonardo (the UART pins on an Arduino Uno) fall under the Serial1 command. If you have the shield set to DLINE, then you would need to use a software serial port for pins 2 and 3 on the Leonardo to read the data out. The NewSoftSerial library was integrated into SoftwareSerial after the Arduino IDE revision 1.0 came out. If you downloaded the most recent version of TinyGPS (assuming this is the example you are referring to), then NewSoftSerial should not be used in there and you shouldn’t need to update anything.