I’m trying to get an AS3935 from Sparkfun working using the example code and a esp32-s3-Devkitc-1.
Looking at a pinout of the esp32, MTDI, MTDO, MTCK, should be on gpi41-gpio39.
I ran a program from randomnerds that says
14:51:54.035 → MOSI: 11
14:51:54.035 → MISO: 13
14:51:54.035 → SCK: 12
14:51:54.035 → SS: 10
I know there are multiple spi interfaces. Should I use what the program reported and ignore the pinout?
The other thing is the example program “Example2_More_Lightning_Features_SPI.ino” acts like all is good, even with the as3935 removed from the circuit.
Needless to say, I’m confused. Any pointers to explore would we welcome.