Lightning detector and ESP32-S3

I’m trying to get an AS3935 from Sparkfun working using the example code and a esp32-s3-Devkitc-1.

Looking at a pinout of the esp32, MTDI, MTDO, MTCK, should be on gpi41-gpio39.

I ran a program from randomnerds that says

14:51:54.035 → MOSI: 11

14:51:54.035 → MISO: 13

14:51:54.035 → SCK: 12

14:51:54.035 → SS: 10

I know there are multiple spi interfaces. Should I use what the program reported and ignore the pinout?

The other thing is the example program “Example2_More_Lightning_Features_SPI.ino” acts like all is good, even with the as3935 removed from the circuit.

Needless to say, I’m confused. Any pointers to explore would we welcome.

You did not mention which pins you are using.