Lilypad question

Can the lilypad drive a continous servo motor? Is it able to do that plus run lights for EL wire? Are there speacil Lilypad shields?

The are a few versions of LP Arduinos but in general they the same as the Arduino Pros. They don’t have on-board USB comm capability and the LP’s lack any on-board voltage regulation. But it’s the same MCU “brain” on them all and so LP’s can make the same servo command signal that the normal Arduino can. In both cases you will need to supply a DC voltage to power the servo in addition to the command signal.

As for running EL wire … I don’t know what you mean, exactly. EL wire requires a high AC voltage (>100V) that no Arduino produces. You need an inverter to do that. And then there are shields and stand-alone BoBs that can switch the AC voltage (on/off) to multiple EL wires. The standalone BoB is controllable via the digital output pins, same for LP as for normal Arduino. And the EL Sequencer is an Arduino with all the AC switching on board.

So far as I know, because the intent of the LP Arduinos is to be sewn into things, there aren’t any stack-on shields.