Limited ADC channel access on OLIMEX SAM7 dev/header boards

Hi all,

I was quite excited to see the affordable SAM7 dev and header boards from OLIMEX on SFE, but unfortunately both boards don’t allow use of all 8 ADC channels; I was hoping to be able to use them all in my project.

I noticed some empty holes in the header board; it would be much appreciated if someone from OLIMEX could tell me if one of these is the neglected AD7 input?

The LPC ARM7s seem more popular than the SAM7s? I’d like to hear any comments about this assumption. I had planned to stick to the Atmel micros because I quite liked working with AVRs, but if there are any significant benefits to the Philips LPCs I sure would like to know about them.


Josh :slight_smile:

SAM7-H64 have all ADC channels on the extension headers just AD7 is not there as there are no free pins, but AD7 is wired on one via near JTAG connector (unfortunately I see our engineers named it A6 :slight_smile:


The Philips ARM chips will run code in flash memory a lot faster. The memory isn’t any faster, but has a 128 bit wide interface.
