Line Follower Sensor can't calibrate

I have SEN-24048 Line Follower Sensor. I’m trying to calibrate it with the pot on black electrical tape on white paper. The rightmost sensor b0 is oversensitive and detects a line when there’s no line. As I’m turning the pot, the diagnostic light on b0 that’s pointing at white paper turns on at the same pot position as a sensor on the edge of the black tape.

What pot? What diagnostic light? The sensor itself has neither.

Please post a schematic diagram showing the sensor circuitry and how you have connected it. State the MCU or robot board.

I’m referring to the pot on the sensor board itself that adjusts the IR brightness and the lights on the sensor board itself that indicate whether the sensor is detecting a line. There is no circuitry I have other than connecting the sensor to power.

I guess I’m wondering if there is some way to clean the b0 sensor so it doesn’t give so many false readings.

I don’'t see a pot or LED either…

Please post a link to the product page for the sensor you actually have.

Oops, I got the model number wrong. It’s this one! SEN-13582
See the 5th thumbnail.

I think you wrote the product ID wrong. You are using this one. SparkFun Line Follower Array - SEN-13582 - SparkFun Electronics
The rightmost sensor is b0 as you are telling. You have to follow these steps for adjusting the brightness. SparkFun Line Follower Array Hookup Guide - SparkFun Learn
Here it says “Remember: Brighter is not always better. Calibrate your robot in the field before running.”
However, you can also design your own line following sensor and make a waiter robot like this:
Line Following Robotic Waiter using Arduino - The Engineering Projects