What are the breakout pins for use on the LiPo Battery Fuel Gauge (MAX1704X) connected to SparkFun Thing Plus - ESP32 WROOM (U.FL).
Pins on the 1704X
QST = ???
VCC = ???
ALT = ???
SDA = A2 (or should this be GPIO23/SDA?)
SCL = A1 (or should this be GPIO22/SCL?)
Power + = VBAT
Ground = GND
Charge LED is on (suggesting the ESP32 can see the LIPO that is connected into the MAX170X)
22:06:59.874 → MAX17043 Example
22:06:59.874 → begin: isConnected returned false
22:06:59.874 → MAX17043 not detected. Please check wiring. Freezing.