LM34 temperature sensor programming help ...please

I have a problem modifying code for some LM34 national temperature sensors. I have found the code for 1 sensor but would like to modify the code for 3 sensors. I would like to add 2 more of the same sensors to analog inputs 1 and 2. The board i am using is an arduino bt.

I have tried many times over but does not work. oh yeah i am horiible at programming. If some one can help me i would greatly appreciate it.

// Define which analog input pin we have connected to the temperature sensor



void setup() {



void loop() {

// prints the currrent temperature with 2 place after the decimal point

printFloat(getTemperature(), 2);

// print a carriage return


// rest 1000 milliseconds



float CtoF(float c) {

return ((c -32.0) * 5.0 / 9.0 ) * 9.0 / 5.0 + 32.0 ;


float analogInToDegreesC(int inputValue) {

return inputValue / 1023.0 * ANALOG_VOTLAGE_REFERENCE * 100.0;


float getTemperature() {

return CtoF(analogInToDegreesC(analogRead(TEMP_SENSOR_PIN)));


void printFloat(float value, int places) {

int digit;

float tens = 0.1;

int tenscount = 0;

int i;

float tempfloat = value;

float d = 0.5;

if (value < 0)

d *= -1.0;

// divide by ten for each decimal place

for (i = 0; i < places; i++)

d/= 10.0;

// this small addition, combined with truncation will round our values properly

tempfloat += d;

if (value < 0)

tempfloat *= -1.0;

while ((tens * 10.0) <= tempfloat) {

tens *= 10.0;

tenscount += 1;


// write out the negative if needed

if (value < 0)


if (tenscount == 0)

Serial.print(0, DEC);

for (i=0; i< tenscount; i++) {

digit = (int) (tempfloat/tens);

Serial.print(digit, DEC);

tempfloat = tempfloat - ((float)digit * tens);

tens /= 10.0;


// if no places after decimal, stop now and return

if (places <= 0)


// otherwise, write the point and continue on


for (i = 0; i < places; i++) {

tempfloat *= 10.0;

digit = (int) tempfloat;


// once written, subtract off that digit

tempfloat = tempfloat - (float) digit;

