Logging raw GNSS + raw IMU messages with Z9P and OLA


I would like to log raw GNSS (i.e. RAWX and SFRBX logs) from the ZED-F9P, as well as raw IMU logs (gyro, accel) from the IMU on board the OpenLog Artemis, so that I can post-process a position+attitude solution…

I can log raw IMU data from the OLA using the standard binary, but I can’t work out how to log RAWX and SBRBX (only calculated position etc) simultaneously. Alternatively, I can log RAWX and SBRBX using the OLA GNSS firmware, but not the raw (or any) IMU data simultaneously.

Can anyone suggest how this might be done?



Unfortunately there are only two ways forward:

Use two OLAs to log the IMU and GNSS data separately. If the clocks are synchronised well, the data should align nicely.

Or write custom firmware. The easiest option there would be to start with the GNSS Logger code and add the IMU data each time RAWX is detected. (There are multiple SFRBX messages for each RAWX.) But you would either need to log to two separate files. Or perhaps be clever and encode the IMU data as a custom NMEA TXT message? That’s quite a project though…

Best wishes,


Thanks Paul