i’m trying to modify logomatic fw to count pulses… like brume need…
the best way, is to use IRQ enabled on each ch to count, wich reset a counter and after divide clock freq. with it …
F(Hz)=1/T(sec), where T=counter(sec/clock), so F(Hz)=clock/counter … right ?!?
preamble: this is my first time in ARM programming, i’m studying logomatic firmware to understand, so my problem is to know how enable IRQ on a specific pin (es. ch8 - AD1.3 - P0.12)
first question : ch8 = 0x00020FF08 ?
I’m using UART routine as example, is this code correct ? :?
VICIntSelect &= 0x00020FF08; //Make this a normal interrupt instead of FIQ
VICIntEnable |= 0x00020FF08; //Enable the interrupt