I have been looking into the Logomatic board to use for a data logger project. However, I need to use it for SPI data logging. Basically, here is how I would like to use it:
Connect SPI device to JP4 (CS1, MOSI1, MISO1, SCK1)
Establish Logomatic as SPI Master
Transfer multiple bytes over SPI to LPC2148 (only RX necessary - no data out to SPI device)
Log transferred data to uSD card (will probably do some data manipulation before the log to convert raw ADC values from SPI device)
Display converted/logged data on serial LCD (using UART1)
I would probably base this around Kwan’s custom firmware since it fixes several things and has added features. I’m just not sure how to start with the SPI function. Would I take the UART code that normally grabs data over the serial port and reconfigure it for SPI? If so, how? I’ve worked with TI MCUs before (MSP430) and Arduino boards, but I don’t have any experience programming the ARMs. Same goes for the Serial LCD - would talking to that on the ARM be straightforward?
Alternately, I could use the Logomatic as-is or with the Kwan firmware and use an Arduino in between as an SPI-to-Serial converter. Getting SPI to work on the Arduino is fairly well documented and connecting it to the Logomatic is dead simple. In that case, I would use a parallel LCD since I would have used the one UART on the Arduino. This is doable, but it just seems like it can all be done on the Logomatic board, saving me from using the Arduino. I was thinking about putting this all in a Sparkfun project box, so I’d probably run out of room with that additional Arduino board.
Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.