My LogomaticV2 is not logging data at 115.2k baud correctly in mode0 using the default FW!?
I send it 256 bytes [0x00-0xFF] and all 256 bytes get logged to the SDCard, but they just don’t match what was sent:
0x 00 01 02 03 04 … FC FD FE FF
0x FD FB F9 F7 F5 … 40 C0 80 00
Any ideas what is going on here?
Showing some of the respective sent/logged:
0x00 = 0000 0000; 0x04 = 0000 0100; 0xFD = 1111 1101; 0xFF = 1111 1111
0xFD = 1111 1101; 0xF5 = 1111 0101; 0xC0 = 1100 0000; 0x00 = 0000 0000
It appears some quasi bit inverse-shift thingy going on?
Wow, that is really weird. The first five bytes sent decreased by two after each byte. The last four bytes appear to be doing something wiggity without any pattern that is obvious…to me.
Are you absolutely sure you are sending it the bytes you think you are sending? It is worth double checking, possibly even worth breaking out an oscilloscope or logic analyzer. If you like, you can return the item to SparkFun and have it looked at. It also cannot hurt to test it in the other two modes of operation. If the other two modes are doing wonky stuff there might be some hardware defect with the logomatic. Otherwise the serial link is the most likely culprit.
I heard a number of other people having some trouble with logging in UART0. If anyone else is having issues with logging in UART0 mode please speak up and let us know what you know.
I’m 100% sure that’s what I’m sending it.
I also tested it on the other LogomaticV2 unit that I have with the same result.
I also just tried sending it random ASCII messages “Hello World!” and “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog” with the same garbage log outcome.
Any help is greatly appreciated resolving this issue.