Ended up building my own with an arduino board and sending ascii over the USB port but I’d be willing to wager that someone else on here has a better method and a better hookup to get more reliable data.
just a thought
Ended up building my own with an arduino board and sending ascii over the USB port but I’d be willing to wager that someone else on here has a better method and a better hookup to get more reliable data.
just a thought
“more reliable data.”
Is the data you’re getting now erratic somehow? A/D conversion too slow? There are various ways of improving it, but it’s unclear which goals are the most important. Can you describe what you’re trying to achieve?
honestly, I am fine with my data. All I needed was orientation from an accelerometer for the time being. I assume down to the mV precision with some decent accuracy would be a little harder for down the road
Picked up my data acquisition board from Ebay. National Instruments PCI-MIO16-E4 for $50.00 and works perfectly. I use the same board at work so I’m very familar with it. Also using labview to write applications for it.
Got the board cheap on Ebay because the person who sold it thought it was a network card and listed it as one. This board sells for $1200.00 new from NI. Still there are other good deals as I just seen one go for $100.00. I perfer to use an already built system for serious work. I have been looking at designing a small battery operated Acquisition system 8 channel, Diff/single ended inputs, 16bit, 200k samples/sec using chips from linear devices. They have some nice data acquisition chips which can use SPI communications for control. Makes working with them pretty easy. Analog Devices also makes pretty much complete data acquisition systems on a chip with SPI communications. I’ve received free samples from both companies. Along with precision instrumentation amplifier ICs.
Just add a few other things like a voltage reference for instance and say a PIC and you have a nice little system.