looking for Arduino with default 5V output

I have a few different Arduino boards, but they all seem to have a 3.3V output pin. I have an ESP32 CAM board that allows me to remove a 3.3V jumper and move it to a 5V setting. However, I’d like to find a USB programmable Arduino with a default 5V output pin. (Google seems to confuse “input” and “output” and shows me tons of hits on how to power an Arduino using a 5V power supply, which is the opposite of what I want.)

So, does anyone know of an Arduino that is USB programmable and has a default 5V output pin?

I have a pressure transducer that requires 5V. I’d like to power both the Arduino and transducer just by plugging in USB to the Arduino.

Any of the Arduino Unos have 5V IO, including the new R4. The R4 WiFi includes an ESP32, if you need that.

Thank you. That does look like an interesting board and I like the array of LEDs on it. I might pick up one of those, but I’d really love to find something in the feather or Thing Plus size if possible.


This [pro micro sounds like it would do exactly what I need:

“If the board is powered through the ‘RAW’ pin (or USB), this pin can be used as an output to supply 5V for other devices.”

Alas, it is only available for backorder. Still looking…](https://www.sparkfun.com/products/15795)

However, I did just find it [on Amazon. So that’s my plan for now: power this with USB-C and take 5V from the board to power the transducer.](Amazon.com)