Looking for best Radio for public robotics competition of 100 robots

I used to participate in 1990’s era First Tech Challenge robotics in the Lego Mindstorms days,

using some early Bluetooth version. It was painful to sync up the robot and controller

in a room of 20 other robots. But Bluetooth has changed a lot since then,

so “past experience does not guarantee future restults”, etc

Is there a bluetooth solution for a new radio for a robotics competition with the following characteristics:

  • Real-time control of 100 robots at a time, ~3kbps per robot.

  • Control range 50 foot

  • Local CPU, dc motor controllers, dc brushed motors, servos create local noise on robot

  • robot materials have little metal, less than 30" on a side.

  • competition is in a sports venue with stadium wifi and 1000 + cellphones

Is bluetooth the right radio system for this competition? Or what else would be better?

We currently use wifi band, which works fine at home, but has some disconnect issues at competition.


What about ESP8266 or ESP32?

If everyone else is using Bluetooth or WiFi, you might be better off using a sub-GHz transceiver. Lots to choose from – Adafruit and Anarduino have a good selection.

Bluetooth and wifi share the same radio band. If you have problems with one you will likely have problems in the other. 915 MHz might work for you.