LoRa Thing Plus - expLoRaBLE with Thing Plus Dual-Port Logging Shield


has anyone tried or had success using these two boards together?

I’m actually trying to use the Dual-Port like with other Thing Plus boards, but getting error already when it start to communicate via I2C…

is this another Thing Plus product which are not compatible with each other (e.g. ESP32 WROOM USB-C and the Dual-Port here viewtopic.php?f=179&t=58863)?

It seems I maybe misunderstood the “Thing Plus” Concept from Sparkfun… I took many products of these formats to stack them together but discovering the hard way they cannot work together directly…

Didn’t find it previously, but after searching and reading other examples, found that to proper use the Explorable I2C have to change default Wire to Wire1. Still have to use Wire for the other Qwiic devices…

#define myWire1 Wire1  // Define which Wire port to use. Change this to Wire1 if you are using the Artemis Thing Plus or the expLoRaBLE
#define myWire Wire

Also to use the Dual Log Shield, the standard chipSelect had to be changed from A5 to 24 (again for Explorable differences)


Many thanks for the update. Glad that’s working for you.

Best wishes,
