LPC2124 power supply

There are 6 power supply pins on the lpc2124 VDD3-1-3, VDD1.8-1,2 and VDD1.8(A).

Can anybody tell me which parts of the uC (Internal SRAM controller, Internal flash controller, ARM7TDMI-S, Flash, SRAM, ADC…) are powered by which pins.

It would even be enough if I would know if the Internal SRAM is driven by the 3.3V supply.


All the supply pins should be connected, and each pair should have its own decoupling capacitor.


There is everything connected and it works fine, but I’m doing power analysis and therefor I would need to know the internal connections to the power pins.

check the data sheets its in there.

Not really, it only says that the internal circuitry is connected to 1.8V. And the analysis of the power consumptions gives an idea that the memory controller could be driven by the 3.3V power rails, but I’m not sure (i.e. I see STR instructions, where the local bus is driven by the ARM core, but no LDR instructions where the bus is supposed to be driven by the internal SRAM/FLASH controller, if I measure the 1.8V pins).

why is this so important ? your not going to power part of the ARM for some kind of ultra low power mode are you ?

No, I’m doing side-channel attacks on the power consumption of public key algorithms running on the ARM and therefor it would be nice to know what I’m really measuring.