
Hi, I got an ARM-JTAG-OCD a few weeks ago, but up to now I hadn’t enough time to test it.

Yesterday I connected my new device to the lpc2129 dev board, also from olimex, ran the install cd and installed openocd-2006re100, configured eclipse to use this new openocd, then tried to program the chip… without success. I changed the *.cfg files until I got only one error message.

Here it is:

Error: ft2232.c:966 ft2232_init(): unable to open ftdi device: 1

I do not know what to do to get rid of that message.

The *.script File is:

LPC2106 flash command-“batch”

adapted by Martin Thomas based on information from Dominic Rath - Thanks

sleep 500


flash probe 0

flash erase 0 0 0

flash write 0 main.bin 0x0

reset run

sleep 500

The *.cfg File is

#daemon configuration

telnet_port 4444

gdb_port 3333


interface ft2232

ft2232_device_desc “Olimex OpenOCD JTAG A”

ft2232_layout “olimex-jtag”

ft2232_vid_pid 0x15BA 0x0003

jtag_speed 2

#use combined on interfaces or targets that can’t set TRST/SRST separately

reset_config trst_and_srst srst_pulls_trst

#jtag scan chain

#format L IRC IRCM IDCODE (Length, IR Capture, IR Capture Mask, IDCODE)

jtag_device 4 0x1 0xf 0xe

#target configuration

daemon_startup reset


#target arm7tdmi

target arm7tdmi little run_and_halt 0 arm7tdmi-s_r4

run_and_halt_time 0 30

working_area 0 0x40000000 0x40000 nobackup

#flash configuration

flash bank lpc2000 0x0 0x40000 0 0 lpc2000_v1 0 14765 calc_checksum

flash bank cfi 0x80000000 0x400000 2 2 0

For more information about the configuration files, take a look at:

http://openfacts.berlios.de/index-en.ph … p+Debugger

Can anybody help me please?

Kind regards


The returned status code ‘1’ means “Invalid Handle”, which is complete nonsense, as the FT_OpenEx function that returned it is supposed to create the handle for us.

Was the USB driver correctly installed? Please post the complete console output, and include information about your operating system.



Hi Dominic, I’m running XP sp2

Was the USB driver correctly installed?

The device manager does not claim that the driver is not installed correctly..

Please post the complete console output

How can I get more information out of it?!

in Eclipse there are only these both lines

Info: openocd.c:82 main(): Open On-Chip Debugger (2006-09-28 20:00 CEST)

Error: ft2232.c:966 ft2232_init(): unable to open ftdi device: 1

I get the same output when running

C:\GCCFD\openocd-2006re100\bin\openocd-ftd2xx.exe -f lpc_olimex.cfg

from DOS prompt..

Did you mean anything else?

I restarted my computer and did it again in eclipse, I got at first:

Info: openocd.c:82 main(): Open On-Chip Debugger (2006-09-28 20:00 CEST)

Warning: arm7_9_common.c:679 arm7_9_assert_reset(): srst resets test logic, too

At the second try I got the same message mentioned before…

Error: ft2232.c:966 ft2232_init(): unable to open ftdi device: 1


If I disconnect the usb device and connect it again, it is reproducable that I get the Warning

Warning: arm7_9_common.c:679 arm7_9_assert_reset(): srst resets test logic, too

Perhaps the driver is killed (with that warning)... that could be a reason, why the FT_OpenEx Functoin returns that waste...

Kind regards



I have just bought an Olimex ARMUSBOCD unit and have the same problem.

I have attempted to to solve by installing the necessary toolset in two ways ::

  1. Using the Olimex supplied disk

  2. Downloading each tool separately and installing separately.

Same problem both ways.

Does anyone have a solution?


Jim Herd

The warning :-

Warning: arm7_9_common.c:679 arm7_9_assert_reset(): srst resets test logic, too

is normal for Philips Targets and others that cannot debug out of reset!

What makes you think it failed the first time you run it and get the above warning ?

Have you tried the Yagarto build of OpenOCD ?

You are running only one instance of OpenOCD ?

Have you got Jim Lync’s latest tutorial ?

Good Luck!