LPC2378 - open tcp connection with uIP

Hi ,

i have a LPC2378 server working :slight_smile:

i can receive a message and print it to the hyper terminal .

but i also want after i receive the message to send it to someone else…

for that i wrote the following code .

if anyone can give me any help on this issue - will be very grateful .

btw , i checked the server side - and he is working fine .

/* the following code is excuted when i receive a message over tcp */




printf(s->inputbuf); // this is the point i print to terminal the received msg

printf(“\r\ncreating conn”);

u16_t ipaddr[2];

uip_ipaddr(ipaddr, 192,168,1,103);

uip_connect(ipaddr, HTONS(3000));

if (uip_connected()){

uip_send(“ok\n”, 3); // this is not excuted - connection is established .

printf(“\r\nsent the OK\n”);



