LSM6DSV16X Arduino Library Missing Sensor Fusion Implementation

Hello all,
In the advertising for this product (SparkFun Micro 6DoF IMU Breakout - LSM6DSV16X (Qwiic) - SEN-21336 - SparkFun Electronics) and in the ST Datasheet. a low power sensor fusion scheme is built into this device. Game Vectors, Gravity, and Gyro Bias can be read out to the FIFO.

I can’t find any of this implementation in the provided Arduino Library. I find it strange since every other function of the ST C-library was ported over.

Is there a reason this wasnt implemented? Is it being worked on?

It’s up to the engineer and their allotted time :-/ No, it is probably not being worked on…You can always give a shot at porting it over too

Hi there, thanks for the request! I’ve added an issue to our Arduino library so we can track this topic properly: Implement Sensor Fusion Functions · Issue #3 · sparkfun/SparkFun_LSM6DSV16X_Arduino_Library · GitHub

No promises of if/when it will be done by us, we’re unfortunately quite busy with other projects at the moment (and many folks are still out on winter break).

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FWIW, this library can be used to do the sensor fusion on the main CPU:

I used it a few years ago with a MPU6050, and it worked flawlessly even with other tasks going on interrupting the sensor fusion calculations. There is no magnetometer data, so the yaw drifted like hell. The LSM6DSV16X doesn’t have mag either so you’ll never get a perfect yaw reading even if the processing is being done on the LSM6DSV16X itself :wink:

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