LTE CatM Shield Works Great on Redboard Uno - Not on Mega2560

Hey folks,

My hologram powered shield works great on my Redboard (Sparkfun Uno), but when plugging the same LTE shield into a new and fresh ATMega 2560 board using exactly the same code - no dice. It never gets based the lte.Begin statement. I’ve looked up the specs on both arduino boards and it appears they are both 5v io.

Any ideas?

It has to do with what pins on the Mega can be used with software serial, sadly while any pin works on the Uno, only some work on the Mega. You’d need to modify the shield and the code/library a bit to move the SW serial RX pin over to a compatible pin on the Mega. Arduino’s [reference for software serial has a list of pins that you can use.](

Thanks for the note! I found this just today - and you are absolutely correct. Pins 8 and 9 are no good on the Mega for combined software TX/RX. I shuffled it up to pins 10/11 and worked a treat. Appreciate your response - thanks Chris.

It has to do with what pins on the Mega can be used with software serial, sadly while any pin works on the Uno, only some work on the Mega. You’d need to modify the shield and the code/library a bit to move the SW serial RX pin over to a compatible pin on the Mega. Arduino’s [reference for software serial has a list of pins that you can use.

I modified the Arduino code to change the two ports for SoftwareSerial from 8, 9 to 10, 11. However, my Arduino Mega is still not able to establish a connection with the shield. Is there anything else I need to do? You said that we need to modify the shield as well. How do I do that?](

You’ve moved things in software but the hardware is still set to pins 8 and 9.

You need to jumper the shield pins on 8 and 9 over to Mega pins 10 and 11.