I’m new to AVR programming, and trying to track down an AVR ISP programmer that will work on a Mac (over USB). I know Digikey sells the AVRISP2 ([here), but the datasheet doesn’t mention Mac, only Windows. Everywhere I look, the available programmers either give no guarantees, or explicitly exclude using a Mac.
The ISPmkII is a nice programmer, just picked one up myself. Works well. Fully compatible with avrdude, and should be 100% MAC compatible. Check out http://www.obdev.at/products/crosspack/index-de.html for all your Mac OSX related toolchain needs. It’s like WinAVR but for Mac.
(You may have to do some configuration to get the programmer up and running, as the official driver is Win based. YMMV. I’m a PC user. The dock pisses me off. Oh, and how can you stand only having the one mouse button? )