makey makey capacitive touch, Rosenbaum code

Hello, this is Mike (meekthegeek)

I’m trying to use the makey makey as a capacitive touch sensor.

I’ve noticed that on github, Eric Rosenbaum, one of the creators of Makey Makey put up some code for the makey makey that uses capacitive touch, … yboard.ino

I’m not sure that it is complete. I tried to download it/compile it/upload it, but I get the following problems

a) Had to add the libraries “keyboard.h” and “CapacitiveSensor.h” to the code

b) When I compile it to a Leonardo, board, the code can compile, but it will not transfer

c) When I compile it to a “Sparkfun Makey Makey” board, I get the following error

"Board makeymakey (platform avr, package SparkFun) is unknown

Error compiling for board SparkFun MaKey MaKey."

Has anyone tried playing with this code and gotten it to work on a sparkfun makey makey?