Marketplace prices

I’ve been looking in the Batch PCB info and am confused about something. When someone sells a board on the marketplace I assume that the profit is that price minus what it costs to make the board. When you look at Batch PCB prices it includes a setup fee. Is the setup fee charged on the PCB that is being sold each time or only once the first time someone buys it?

Also I noticed some of the PCBs are priced at what seems to be less than what it costs to have the board made. Does anyone have any insight on this?


The setup fee is once per order. If you order multiple board types at once, there’s only one setup fee.


BatchPCB makes most of their profit from the setup fee I believe. A small amount of profit comes from the $2.50 / sq in charge. It is that part of the profit that you as a seller would get [citation needed].