MCP4725 DAC (SparkFun I2C DAC Breakout)


Im in need to use multiple DACs on the same I2C-bus and Im looking in to the MCP4725 DAC.

As i understand it, you can use 2 different DAC on the same bus with the standard configuration but do i get this right?:

Is it possible to get 8 different addresses on the DACs from changing the “three stripes” (pullup resistors) on the back, together with the possibility to solder the “A0” pin to VDD and so on?

Im pretty new to this so i hope you can help me understand this!

Hello, and thanks for posting your question on the forum!

The MCP4725 chip itself can be ordered with other select-able address, but the version MCP4725 we carry on our breakout only has two address possibilities. It can either be 0x60 (default, A0 jumper connected to GND) or 0x61 (A0 jumper connected to VCC)

If you wanted to add more than two of them to your I2C bus, you’re going to need to split the bus into 4 channels and then put two breakouts on each channel. By switching channels, you can then communicate will all 8 breakouts.

A board like our [Qwiic Mux would give you the ability to do this. You can think of the Qwiic Mux as a selector switch that switches a I2C input to 8 different channels. Select channel 0, talk to the first two breakouts. Select channel 1, talk to breakouts 3 and 4. (Etc.)](