I’ve cut the 3,3V feed as it is connected to 5V on Sparkfun Mega Pro 5V. Yes, Works on Uno with the cut! Tested all relevant outputs on the Mega, Working !
Does the Sparkfun Mega Pro use different CPU pins to the corresponding digital and analog pins than the Arduino Mega? If so, that’d explain the discrepancy. Anyone knows?
You can find the schematics there to check the pinout. There are also some comments about a wrong crystal being loaded; if that’s the case, timing could be off.
I noticed that you were having issues with sparkfun’s mega board working with a tft screen, but you were able to solve your problem. I am having a very similar issue using their mega pro mini 3.3V board. I tried following your solutions to the problem, but the libraries aren’t the same. The chip that’s used for this board is ATmega2560, so have you had any experience using it with a tft screen?