Micro Magnetometer -MMC5983MA (SEN11921) Performance & Price


I’m in the process of selecting a magnetometer for my company’s VR headset device so that it can be compatible with VR vertigo in R&D.

During my research I found the SEN-11921, which has a compact size that will make it easy for me to integrate in large quantities in subsequent designs.

The only thing that made me hesitant was that this product looked like it would be quite a bit more expensive than its counterparts, and after Googling it, I realized that the main price difference occurs with the MMC5883 chip.

Is this chip a better performer than its counterparts, the BMM150 or the LIS3MDL? I’ve checked the datasheets for these products and their parameters look pretty close.

Am I missing something important?

Any thoughts would be strongly appreciated.


It really just depends on the specs needed for your project and whether it’ll be worth it @ a given price point…LIS3MDL has 3 degree heading accuracy, BMM150 has slow data rate…MMC5983MA improves on these factors (0.5 degree, fast)

It really just depends on the specs needed for your project and whether it’ll be worth it @ a given price point…LIS3MDL has 3 degree heading accuracy, BMM150 has slow data rate…MMC5983MA improves on these factors (0.5 degree, fast)

That explains a lot, I did miss those.

Appreciated it!