Microbit breakout with Qwiic ultrasonic

I just switched from Arduino to Microbit in my classroom this year due their simplicity and ease of use with our school’s new mandatory Chromebooks. There is a lot that we can do with them, but I am looking to go a little deeper with some of my upper level classes and hope to do some work with I2C and the Qwiic connectors. I am hoping to use the Sparkfun Microbit breakout to connect to the Microbit’s I2C and work with the myriad of cool sensors in the Qwiic family.

I see that there documentation on getting the temp sensor working with Qwiic and I2C, but I don’t see anything about hooking up an Ultrasonic, which you can do a lot with. Has anyone gotten this to work? I know that you can use an Ultrasonic with an Arduino without external libraries using the pulsein function, but the only things that I see available to use in MakeCode or MicroPython are basically read and write.
