Microbit moto:bit program won't download to microbit

I am trying to help a student download the program that is on the following experiment guide.

When we download the program it goes to the bit, then disappears immediately. We have tried it on a PC (using chrome) and a Chromebook with the same results.

I tried to make it simple and and just have it turn the motors on. That does not work either. We followed the directions.

I don’t think the moto:bit extension is working. What suggestions do you have? Thank you!

https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/mi … nd-turning

Hi LakotaKJ,

I am a bit confused by your wording here. When you say you download the program and it goes to the bit do you mean you are downloading the hex file directly to the micro:bit or are you downloading, then dragging and dropping the MakeCode sketch hex file to the micro:bit drive?

Just as a sanity check and to confirm the micro:bit is working properly, try downloading and installing [this example. If that works, you may be right and there is an issue with your install of the moto:bit extension. If the Hello World example uploads to the micro:bit and runs, try uninstalling the moto:bit extension by following these steps:

  • - Click the "Settings gear" next to the Microsoft logo with a project opened in MakeCode and navigate to Extensions.
  • - Next, try re-installing the moto:bit extension. With it already installed, it should prompt you that you wish to "unisntall motobit and install motobit" but you may not see that prompt.
  • - Now try re-opening the [[Driving and Turning Example](https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/microbot-kit-experiment-guide/experiment-1-driving-and-turning) and then move the downloaded hex file to the micro:bit drive.
  • [/list]

    That should fix the issue but if you have problems uploading the “Hello World” example or the steps listed above do not fix the problem, let me know and we can troubleshoot further. If this does not work, please try to include as much information as possible about the behavior of the micro:bit and moto:bit as well as photos of your micro:bit circuit and connections to the moto:bit.](https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/microbot-kit-experiment-guide/experiment-1-driving-and-turning)](Getting Started with the micro:bit - SparkFun Learn)

    Evidently, the program is going to the bit now. It just doesn’t show up in Windows Explorer as a file on the bit drive, as it did when students worked with the microbits last year.

    When I move the program to the microbit drive, it disappears.

    This may be a Windows problem; our tech department updated everything over the summer.

    The Hello World Example and Driving and Turning programs both seem to work. We are going to try others now.

    Thank you for getting back to me.

    You’re very welcome! We’re happy to help. As for the behavior of the micro:bit, that is almost certainly just normal behavior if you do not see the hex file on the micro:bit drive so long as the code uploads and runs properly. If you run into any other issues or have any other questions about the moto:bit or micro:bit, let us know and we would be happy to help as much as we can.