MicroMag3 troubles

Hi All,

I’m having trouble getting the MicroMag3 to work. At this point, I can’t get it to set the DRDY line high.

I have the SS line grounded. I pulse the RESET line high, then send the command byte (0x01, for an x-axis reading), but the MicroMag3 doesn’t set the DRDY line high to indicate that it’s performed a reading.

If anyone can see what I’m doing wrong I’d greatly appreciate a correction. Thanks!

I’m using an Atmega324p. Here’s a code snippet:

void SPI_MasterInit(void)


DDR_SPI |= (1<<DD_MOSI) | (1<<DD_SCK);

SPCR0 |= (1<<SPE0) | (1<<MSTR0) | (1<<SPR01);


uint8_t spi_transfer(uint8_t data)


SPDR0 = data; // start the transmission

PD5Value = PIND & _BV(PD5); // read the DRDY pin

while (PD5Value == 0) // wait till data is ready


PD5Value = PIND & _BV(PD5); // read the DRDY pin

printf(" . ");


return SPDR0; // return the received byte


uint8_t MM3;

int counter;

int main(void)


init_usart(); // Initialize usart

stdout = &mystdout; // set the output stream

SPI_MasterInit(); // Initialize micromag3

DDRD |= (1<<6); // set RESET output

DDRD &= ~(1<<5); // set DRDY input

PORTD &= ~(1<<5); // DRDY pullup disabled

PORTD &= ~(1<<6); // RESET low

printf(" starting ");

// reset micromag3

PORTD |= (1<<6); // RESET high


while (counter<=20) // count to 20 while reset is high


PORTD &= ~(1<<6); // RESET low

// send command byte

MM3 = spi_transfer(0x01);

printf(" sending command byte ");

// output result over rs232

printf(" result = %i ",MM3);

while (1)




[edit]corrected code[/edit]

PORTD |= (0<<6); // RESET low

That doesn't do what you think it does. In fact, it does nothing at all - ORing any value with 0 does not change that value.

Try: ```
PORTD &= ~(1<<6);

Thanks Jason

I’ve now corrected all instances of that syntax error. The RESET pulse is working as intended now (verified by wiring an LED to the RESET line).

However, the MicroMag3 still isn’t setting the DRDY line high.

Perhaps there’s another mistake in my code. :s

Your spi_transfer routine contains an infinite loop - if PD5Value is zero at first, there’s no way for it to ever change.

It’s possible that you will need to actively control the SS line - for some SPI devices, they only act on a shifted-in command when their chip select line is raised. The MicroMag3 data sheet should hopefully clarify this.

Unfortunately, fixing that error doesn’t solve the problem.

(spam filter keeps putting my posts on hold when I try to explain)

A common problem with AVR SPI is having the AVR SS pin floating or grounded. From the data sheet:

“If SS is configured as an input, it must be held high to ensure Master SPI operation.”

An easy fix is to have it as an output.

Also, if you do get that DRDY to go high you should note that you must clock out the data. This means transfering dummy bytes (in this case two for the 16-bit result) and saving the SPDR result after each transfer is complete.


Oops. I accidentally omitted polling the DRDY pin when I slimmed down the code to post here.

Anyway. Thanks again Jason, but unfortunately it’s still not working.

The MicroMag3 datasheet doesn’t clarify much, other than to say that the SS line must be low while you’re using the MicroMag3.

The datasheet prescribes the directions of use as,

  1. set SS line to low

  2. pulse RESET line

  3. send command byte through the MOSI line

  4. micromag does its thing, takes a measurement

  5. once the micromag has finished, DRDY goes high and data is shifted out the MISO line

A common problem with AVR SPI is having the AVR SS pin floating or grounded. From the data sheet:

“If SS is configured as an input, it must be held high to ensure Master SPI operation.”

An easy fix is to have it as an output.

That was it. Thanks Lajon.

so, now that you have it reading data… have you managed to calibrate it?

Does anyone have any bascom code for the MircoMag3? Would save me re-inventing the wheel :wink:

so, now that you have it reading data… have you managed to calibrate it?

Currently I don't have the MicroMag3 in a high current environment, so there was no need to calibrate it in order to make sufficiently accurate measurements. I just go straight to calculating a heading.

Hi guys,

Could anyone post a code example for the micromag3? I’ve been trying for days to get it to work and all i can get out of it are some strange values like from -50 to 50 and always jumping in 2 increments when i rotate the micromag3. I mean, 0,2,4,6,8,10 etc.

I’m reading the sensor like this:

spi_transfer (0x01); // send command to read X axis


msb = spi_transfer (0x00); //read MSB

lsb = spi_transfer (0x00); //read LSB

x_axis = ((msb << 8 ) | lsb);

BTW, i have it connected to an ATMEGA88 running at 5V.

Any help is greatly appreciated…

