Micromod Display and Input Carrier Board using RP2040 display not working

I am using the RP2040 with the Earle Philhower Arduino library. I have tried all published Sparkfun examples GIT lab and website examples. I have added the SPI.setRx(pin_size_t pin), setTx, setSCK and setCS definitions so the library knows what pins to use related to how the carrier board is wired. I also have a Raspberry Pi pico and arduino library and have used read & write SPI communication with an MCP23S08. The only thing I have seen is using a non sparkfun library is the screen bkinks when using a rounded rectangle write function. It was not showing any thing but horizontal lines with 2 different levels of gray. GPIO numbers RX 20, TX 23, SCK 22 & CS 6. Has any one else had operation of this configuration? I tried using Arduino ide 1.8 and 2.0. If you were able to this working, please post any detail that would help. I have used MicroMod to work with AP color LEDs and Backlight brightness and read A0 as a digital in. If this should work, I may have just got a defective unit. Thanks in advance for help from tech support and/or forum users.

Ensure you have all 3(!) required libraries too https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/sp … rogramming and see if the displaytest sketch works…this should rule out whether its a defective screen or not (avoids having to declare pin #s, should just need to select rp2040 micromod in arduino IDE and then load the hyperdisplay sketch

But make sure you have all 3 of those libraries first

Hello TS-Russel,

I tried and re-installed all 3 zip files, all 3 reported they were already installed. I let them be re-installed just in case that was needed. For now, I am continuing with the Arduino 2.1.0 ide.

I read back through the install doc you suggested. I had a question… Is there a json file specifically for the RP2040 MicroMod board?

The tutorial states:

Note: Make sure that for whatever processor board you choose, you have the correct board definitions installed.

Do those definitions tell how the Display is connected to the RP2040?

you said “should just need to select rp2040 micromod in arduino IDE” but I don’t see that option.

I have been using the raspberry pi pico, which was why I was defining the pins to use for the SPI operations. I tried the other Sparkfun options (ProMicro RP2040 & Thing Plus RP2040) and tried the examples in the Arduino IDE related to display test. There are 3 different examples that seem related to the Hyperdisplay (Hyperdisplay, Hyperdisplay IL9341 , Hyperdisplay 4DLCD-320240) I tried the 2 different test programs, but none seem to cause anything to be displayed on the LCD.

Thanks again for the help :slight_smile:

Look at this post. viewtopic.php?f=181&t=59495 the problem was the connection to the board.

Hello All,

Thanks for the suggestions, but still no operation of display.

I think mine is defective.

TS-Russel, did you see my previous post?

Is someone looking into whether or not display works with RP2040?

If it should work, then I would like to return my display, and try a 2nd board.

I really would like to be able to use this for projects.


ps. Thanks Paul for your comments and suggestions. I tried your ideas and still had no life in my display.