MicroMod Function Board specification?

Is there an actual complete spec somewhere? The website section about function boards is missing a lot of details. For example, looking at the schematic for the function board carrier, it’s using a number of pins not shown on the pinout image.

Also, it says nothing about the expected contents of the EEPROM.

Not really - the carrier boards all use the same style of pins, and basically are a passthrough for the pin assignments coming from the ~10 MicroMod processor boards and their relevant pin functions and the function boards’ pins simply arranged to cover those processors’ worth of pin placements

That might not have made much sense, but essentially the spec is to add/route enough pins to cover the combos of MM processors that we sell. Most all of the processors ship with a blink sketch pre-loaded, and the EEPROM of the function boards are only used when/where needed as well (boards like the weather carrier have their lookup tables and such)

LOL that your avatar says RTFM – it’s what I’m trying to do! :grinning:

If you want to create an ecosystem around MicroMod, it would be really helpful if there was at least a minimal FM to R. Even if it’s just a table of pins and a description of each’s function, like the main spec, and even if it’s mostly cut and paste from that, plus a statement that the contents of the EEPROM are undefined.

A lot of it is covered on the MM landing page (toward bottom) and within the specific hookup guides you’ll find pinmap tables & descriptions