MicroMod Mainboard Double damaging STM32 MCU boards while using WizNet5500 ethernet function board?

So no luck so far, I uploaded to my SAMD51 yesterday maybe 50 or so times. What surprises me is that what both of you are describing is basic use case and I tested that endlessly during the prototype phase. I unfortunately was not able to test the PoE Function Board yesterday like I intended to but I’ll get to that either today or tomorrow. I also tried jumping the three pins, “PWR_EN0”, “3.3V”, and “GND”, since they sit right next to each other, using my tweezers but I only succeeded in resetting the board.

If you have any more information that’d be very helpful. Have either of you toned out any of the surrounding pins, on both the function and the Main Board Double? My only guess is that we’re seeing some sort of manufacturing edge case OR production edge case, and I’d like to identify it if possible.