MIDI and XBee

Hello, what is the best way to interface the XBee UART with a MIDI circuit. I have seen a 100 ohm series resistor on the XBee DIN onm your FIO board. Is it better to run the optocoupler with a VCC of 5V and use the logic level shifting scheme that is seen on the XBee Explorer Regulated? Would I need a buffer/driver with a schmitt trigger to ensure proper interfacing to the XBee UART? I am not using a microprocessor. I am just connecting the opto isolator output to the XBee.

Thank you and if anyone has any advice on using a 6N138 VS 6N137 VS H11L1 VS ???


Interfacing an XBee module with a MIDI circuit involves managing voltage levels and ensuring proper signal integrity. Here’s a detailed guide to help you with this process.

Understanding the Components

XBee Module: Typically operates at 3.3V logic levels.

MIDI Circuit: Generally operates at 5V logic levels.

Optocouplers: Used for signal isolation and can vary in specifications.

Optocoupler Selection

The choice of optocoupler can impact the reliability and speed of your MIDI interface. Here’s a brief overview of some common options:

6N138: Has a slower response time but is suitable for MIDI applications due to its high current transfer ratio (CTR).

6N137: Faster response time, good for high-speed data but has a lower CTR compared to 6N138.

H11L1: A Schmitt-trigger optocoupler, which can be useful for clean, digital signal switching.

For MIDI applications, 6N138 is often recommended due to its balance of speed and current transfer capabilities.

Circuit Design

Step 1: Optocoupler Connection

MIDI IN to Optocoupler:

Connect the MIDI input signal to the anode of the optocoupler’s LED.

Connect a current-limiting resistor (220-470 ohms, depending on the optocoupler) between the cathode of the optocoupler’s LED and ground.

Ensure the MIDI circuit is powered by 5V.

Optocoupler Output:

Connect the collector of the optocoupler transistor to 5V through a pull-up resistor (10k ohms).

Connect the emitter to ground.

The output signal (from the collector) needs to be shifted to 3.3V logic for the XBee.

Step 2: Level Shifting

Level Shifter:

Use a voltage divider or a dedicated level shifter (e.g., a BSS138 MOSFET-based level shifter) to convert the 5V output from the optocoupler to 3.3V for the XBee.

Voltage Divider:

If you choose a voltage divider, use resistors suitable for reducing 5V to 3.3V. For example, use a 2.2k ohm resistor in series with a 3.3k ohm resistor.

Step 3: Series Resistor on XBee DIN

Series Resistor:

Add a 100-ohm series resistor on the XBee DIN pin to protect against any residual voltage spikes and ensure signal integrity.

Step 4: Schmitt Trigger (Optional)

If you experience signal integrity issues (e.g., noisy signals), consider using a Schmitt trigger buffer (e.g., 74HC14) to clean up the signal before it reaches the XBee DIN pin.

Example Schematic

Here is a simplified example schematic:

MIDI IN —> [220 ohm resistor] —> [Optocoupler LED (Anode)]



Optocoupler (Collector) —> [10k ohm pull-up to 5V] —> [Voltage Divider / Level Shifter] —> [100 ohm resistor] —> XBee DIN

Optocoupler (Emitter) —> GND


Optocoupler: Use a 6N138 for reliable MIDI signal isolation.

Level Shifting: Properly shift the 5V MIDI signal to 3.3V for the XBee.

Series Resistor: Include a 100-ohm resistor on the XBee DIN pin.

Optional Schmitt Trigger: Use if signal integrity is a concern.

By following these steps, you can effectively interface your XBee UART with a MIDI circuit without a microprocessor.