MIKROE ECG Click for EOG sensing


I was wondering if MIKROE ECG Click could be used as an EOG sensor with a posteriori filtering of the signal obtained from the device (already filtered and amplified to detect ECG).

If yes, which of the ECG clicks would you recommand to purchase ?

If not, what other device on sparkfun do you think would be suitable to detect blinking in patients through EOG ?

Thanks a lot for your help and recommandations.


Lucie Vanhollebeke

It doesn’t look like there is good overlap for the mV and Hz https://www.sensortips.com/featured/wha … g-and-eog/ between ECG and EOG…but maybe you could still get it to be usable? Not sure…but you’d likely have better luck with just and ADC tuned to EOG ranges, I’d think

I found some other projects that might be helpful



https://makezine.com/projects/eyeboard- … og-system/
