Mini-microswitch compatibility with DC power on Arduino?

I’m hoping to use the mini microswitch (Part number 13014) with my Arduino. It looks like the microswitches are rated for 5A at 250 VAC. Will this microswitch also work with the DC power from the Arduino (20 mA with 5 volts)?

Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to view the actual data sheet for this part, but 20 milliAmps at 5 Volts DC should be absolutely no problem for a switch rated 5 Amps at 250 Volts AC. In general, the problem is “interrupting” the current – AC is more “forgiving” in that it goes through 0V many times a second, meaning that any arcing will get “quenched” by the fact that the current will also go through 0A. The contacts can still break a DC current, though less effectively as they’re on their own. Personally, I wouldn’t try to use this switch beyond about 1 Amp at 120 Volts DC without seeing the actual data sheet – far higher than what you’re wanting to do.

I know, a lot more info than you probably wanted, but the short answer is yes, it should work.