miRF doesn't appear to receive data

Hi all,

We’re trying to use the miRF-24G with an 18f2455. First a quick question: is the documentation/test code for all three of the transceivers that use the nRF2401A interchangeable? Some more documentation would be handy.

Currently we have a test setup with two transceivers on one PIC. One is used only as a transmitter and the other is only a receiver, as in the example test code linked from the miRF page. We’re using ShockBurst mode and having issues on the receiving end. In particular, the data ready pin never goes high. According to the flowchart on the nRF2401A datasheet (p. 11) DR1 should be automatically set high once the preamble and incoming data are received, the address is confirmed, and the CRC is confirmed.

We’ve used a spectrum analyzer to confirm that there is data being sent.

The addresses being used are the same for both transceivers.

We have CRC disabled so that it shouldn’t be an issue.

Does anyone have any suggestions? Has anyone had any experience with a similar set-up?

If we’re missing any relevant information, please tell us what’s missing.

Thanks in advance,

Team Player Object

I’ve had the code for the simple test (sending a string backwards and forwards) working OK with each MiRF controlled by a 16F88, using my own hardware.


I have, now, some deep experience of TRW-24 (2401). When the same thing was happening to me, I tried removing CRC and see if anything was received. Another issue I had was “not to wait long enough AFTER transmission”, but am not sure if this applies to A chips too.

Also made a mistake on address bytes.

Check this all if you can.