In order to ensure a wireless communication between two cards with a pic 16F877 each, i chose the MRF24J40 as tranceiver.
I can not afford the development kit (costly) so is it possible to use the miwi P2P stack without using the kit?
How to use it given that i want a specific functioning of the pic?
Thank you in advance.
No, you do not have to buy the development kit. You can just download the Stack from Microchip’s web site. … e=en536181
It won’t run on a 16F877 however.
The MiWi P2P app note says:
• Operates on Microchip PIC18, PIC24, dsPIC33
and PIC32 platforms
The Stack require much more program memory than the 16F877 has.
Alternately, you can write your own interface protocol that is much simpler than the MiWi if you only need two PICs to communicate wireless.