I am playing around with making my own carrier board to experiment with, to test a certain processor board.
My board is sort of an extension and cross of several boards.
What I wanted is one like ATP where all of the pins are exposed, plus I want SDCard with SDIO, plus USB Host.
Also with camera hookup. This one setup with OV7670 pin connections. I also did a quick and dirty Himax camera adapter to these pinouts, which have the 1.8v VR plus a 2.8v VR
Also pin setup for TFT display. I have pins setup for the PJRC ILI9341 like displays, which also fit the Ebay ILI9481 and
A setup for many of the Adafruit displays like ST7789…
Will be interesting to see if I can hand solder any of these small pins.
But again wondering if you have suggestions on the recommended diodes you use for the RTC circuit. Example D6 and D7 of the ATP board?