more info about the reading

hello people

could you tell me how to know the gain and integration cycles used by the sensor for the reading?

Information like that can usually be found in the datasheet. :slight_smile:

yes, i know

but every time the sensor takes a reading does the sensor doesn’t adjust it self to the light situation?

does the sensor use the same settings (gain and cycles) for every reading?

Depends on the sensor? Again, the data sheet should give insight on that.


my mistake

as7265x sensor

does the as7265x sensor use the very same settings (gain and cycles) for every reading?

No, and the sensitivity varies by spectral range, so it’s gotta be calibrated for your use case by ‘channel’/spectral range.

But i wouldn’t sweat it, you can get great readings without any calibration out of the box, and since there are technically only 16 ways the reading can be ‘wrong’, crudely put (the 16 ‘channels’ total), you can just look for recurrences of like readings in the same channels across many samples and either ignore them or filter them out in sw. I’ve ran hundreds of samples with zero calibrations and the data is still diagnostic and information rich, the only adjustments needed are compensation for the consistently recurring anomaly’s which I was just eyeballing to address, or adjusting for in graphing sw, due mainly to laziness in getting around to scripting calibration in a repeatable way.

This will make more sense after you’ve read and plotted a bunch of samples, the board works great and my point is that truly, calibration depends on your use case, and that may mean no calibration is perfectly fine.