First, I’d like to echo the appreciation of [Clemens for the smol.
The first “use case” that came to mind was a sensor to attach to my snail-mail box to indicate when it had been opened – basically sends an MQTT message via WiFi back to the house. I’d like to make it solar powered (I find it interesting that SparkFun announced the smol line the same day that several small solar panels were announced), and am pleased that future plans include a solar power board.
The “deep sleep” mode implemented in the ATtiny841 on the power boards would prove useful, however, I really think it would be useful to be able to have a “wake on event”, e.g., a magnetic switch such as COM-13247 opening or closing. Yes, to preserve the extreme low power one would have to use a pullup resistor on the order of megohms, but in at least some situations, that should be doable. Hopefully the “wake on event” would be in addition to “wake at specified time”.
BTW, since I’m getting a “404” message when I try to look at the Power Board Arduino Library, I can’t verify what I can get back from the ATtiny841. It would be useful to be able to have the ESP-32 be able to at least read the ATtiny841’s idea of “millis()”. And if you do implement a “wake on event”, be able to descern what caused the wake up call.](