MSP430-449STK - LCD Specs?

Does anyone here happen to know (or have) the specs for the LCD that is provided with the MSP430-449STK, and is willing to share?

I purchased the starter kit, but am having trouble getting data to display correctly. I can get close using the example code from TI, but it behaves erratically. I checked the schematic, and it appears to be slightly different than what is outlined in the examples from TI. The schematic simply lists it as ‘LCD’ with no manufacturers part#…



you can check the schematic on

every pin is named, also the sample code have definitions for the LCD

what else information is needed




I have the sample code now and will use the definitions contained therein. I was not aware of the sample code until I visited your site… Thanks for the info :slight_smile:


Hi all

I think that the last board version LCD in the MSP430-449STK-B is not correct with the schematic.

I’m having problems acess to this segments:

  • AC ~

  • triangular UP

  • plus and less (menor segments)

Please help…

Best Regards


Does anyone here have a sample code in C to drive the LCD?

The LCD is conected with no logic at all, so is a little dificult to make some algorithm to control the LCD.

Thanks in advance,

Américo Dias

it’s hard to have logic with static drive LCD

the assembler code have definitions which may be used in any language

Best regards


Thanks for your support.

After a lot of work i created a algorithm in C to write to the LCD. It have 1K size but is not problem for me.

I could share the code if someone need. my email is(

(Sorry my english)

Américo Dias

The entire code to control de LCD comes with CrossStudio for MSP430.

Américo Dias

Please, i have a board maned MSP430-449STK-B by Olimex.

I need the hardware domumentation of this borad and LDC module.

On the site only have documentation for STK2 and it is not the same.

Thank´s Valter Rosa