TI just came out with a new development board which is dirt cheap. Since it is so new there isn’t much as far as expansion boards or shields go, but I think that this board will become quite popular due to its price and it would be awesome if SparkFun could design some boards to work with the development kit. I have two major ideas I would love to see implemented in a shield.
The first is a board which will provide support for other MSP430s. The programmer will work with any chip that has the SBW (Spy-Bi-Wire) interface. Lots of people seem to not be interested in the board due to how underwhelming the power of the processors included are. I plan on using this device as a programmer since its sooo cheap. Maybe create a board which has sockets for the more powerful devices.
The second idea is a USB or communication shield. This would provide SPI or I2C or UART to USB using any of the FTDI line. Again, I would image this would be quite simple.
I would love to see any kind of boards to play with, since there is so much possibility, especially once boards to program and work with more powerful chips become available.