Has anyone gotten these to work with the MSP430’s? I’ve seen some posts but nothing complete… I’ve been working on this for about 2-3 weeks and have nearly given up. Here’s my code thus far. Ive tried SW and HW SPI. Here’s the software one because it should be easier to read. I’ve borrowed some of the JeeNode code as well as some code from anything I could find to get it to work. I would like to be able to send a packet to my JeeNode. With HW SPI I just seem to see POR set in the status all the time (power is good)
// RFM12 Transceiver MSP430F2013
// ----------------- -----------------
// | | | XIN|-
// | | | |
// | | | XOUT|-
// VCC->|VDD | | |
// | | | |
// GND ->|GND (7&10) nIRQ |------->|P1.3 |
// | nSEL |<-------|P1.2 P1.0|-> LED1
// | SDI/|<-------|P1.6/SDO P1.1|-> LED2
// | SDO/|------->|P1.7/SDI |
// | SCLK/|<-------|P1.5/SCLK |
// ----------------- -----------------
#include <msp430x20x3.h>
#include <stdint.h>
static uint8_t nodeid; // address of this node
static uint8_t group; // network group
volatile uint16_t crc; // network group
uint16_t ret;
#define RF12_433MHZ 1
#define RF12_868MHZ 2
#define RF12_915MHZ 3
// RF12 command codes
#define RF_RECEIVER_ON 0x82DD
#define RF_XMITTER_ON 0x823D
#define RF_IDLE_MODE 0x820D
#define RF_SLEEP_MODE 0x8205
#define RF_WAKEUP_MODE 0x8207
#define RF_TXREG_WRITE 0xB800
#define RF_RX_FIFO_READ 0xB000
#define RF_WAKEUP_TIMER 0xE000
// Delays by the specified Millisecondsvoid delay(unsigned int ms)
void delay(uint16_t ms) {
while (ms--) {
__delay_cycles(8000); // set for 16Mhz change it to 1000 for 1 Mhz
// CRC Calculating function
unsigned int crc16_update(uint16_t crc, uint8_t a) {
uint8_t i;
crc ^= a;
for(i=0; i<8; ++i) {
crc = (crc>>1) ^ 0xA001;
crc = (crc>>1);
return crc;
uint16_t spi_xfer(uint16_t value) {
uint16_t ret = 0x0000;
uint8_t x;
P1OUT &= ~0x20; // P1.5=SCK=LOW
P1OUT &= ~0x04; // P1.2 LOW = nSEL (Wireless module selected)
for(x=0; x<16; x++) {
if(value & 0x8000) {
P1OUT |= 0x40; // P1.6=SDI=HI
} else {
P1OUT &= ~0x40; // P1.6=SDI=LOW
P1OUT |= 0x20; // P1.5=SCK=HI
value <<= 1;
ret <<= 1;
if(P1IN & 0x80) ret |= 0x0001;
P1OUT &= ~0x20; // P1.5=SCK=LOW
P1OUT |= 0x04; // P1.2 LOW = nSEL (Wireless module selected)
return ret; // This is the value SPI'ed out of the RF12b
void rf12_init(uint16_t id, uint16_t band, uint16_t g) {
nodeid = id;
group = g;
spi_xfer(0x0000); //Blank it out
spi_xfer(RF_IDLE_MODE); // Turn off all the radios
spi_xfer(RF_TXREG_WRITE); // Send blank packet (resets the radio)
while((P1IN & 0x08) == 0) { // Wait until IRQ
spi_xfer(0x80C7 | (band << 4)); // EL (ena TX), EF (ena RX FIFO), 12.0pF
spi_xfer(0xA640); // 868MHz
spi_xfer(0xC606); // approx 49.2 Kbps, i.e. 10000/29/(1+6) Kbps
spi_xfer(0x94A2); // VDI,FAST,134kHz,0dBm,-91dBm
spi_xfer(0xC2AC); // AL,!ml,DIG,DQD4
if(group != 0) {
spi_xfer(0xCA83); // FIFO8,2-SYNC,!ff,DR
spi_xfer(0xCE00 | group); // SYNC=2DXX
} else {
spi_xfer(0xCA8B); // FIFO8,1-SYNC,!ff,DR
spi_xfer(0xCE2D); // SYNC=2D
spi_xfer(0xC483); // @PWR,NO RSTRIC,!s,!fi,OE,EN
spi_xfer(0x9850); // !mp,90kHz,MAX OUT
spi_xfer(0xCC77); // OB1,OB0, LPX,!ddy,DDIT,BW0
spi_xfer(0xE000); // NOT USE
spi_xfer(0xC800); // NOT USE
spi_xfer(0xC049); // 1.66MHz,3.1V
void rf12_send(uint8_t value) {
while(P1IN & 0x08) ; // When it's low, TXREG is ready to receive the next byte
spi_xfer(RF_TXREG_WRITE + value); // Send it
void main(void)
WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; // Stop watchdog timer
DCOCTL = CALDCO_8MHZ; // Set DCO step + modulation to 8MHZ Calibrated
BCSCTL1 = CALBC1_8MHZ; // Set Clock to 8MHZ
P1DIR |= 0x67; // OUTPUTS = P1.0=LED1, P1.1=LED2, P1.2=nSEL=HIGH, P1.5=SCK, P1.6=SDI
P1DIR &= ~0x88; // INPUTS = P1.3=nIRQ, P1.7=SDO
P1OUT = 0x04;
// Initialize the rf12
rf12_init(10, RF12_915MHZ, 212); // Node 10, 3 = 915MHZ, Group 212
while(1) {
rf12_send(0xAA); // PREAMBLE
rf12_send(0xAA); // PREAMBLE
rf12_send(0xAA); // PREAMBLE
rf12_send(0x2D); // SYNC1
rf12_send(0xD4); crc = crc16_update(~0, 0xD4); // SYNC2
rf12_send(0x41); crc = crc16_update(crc, 0x41); // C=0 D=1 A=0 NODE=1 http://jeelabs.org/2011/06/10/rf12-broadcasts-and-acks/
rf12_send(0x04); crc = crc16_update(crc, 0x04); // LENGTH = 4
rf12_send(0x48); crc = crc16_update(crc, 0x48); // H
rf12_send(0x49); crc = crc16_update(crc, 0x49); // I
rf12_send(0x48); crc = crc16_update(crc, 0x48); // H
rf12_send(0x49); crc = crc16_update(crc, 0x49); // I
rf12_send(crc); // CRC1
rf12_send(crc >> 8); // CRC2
rf12_send(0x00); // DUMMY BYTE
ret = spi_xfer(0x0000);
delay(3000); // Wait 3 seconds