MSP430F2274 prototyping board?

On a more mundane note:

I’m dreaming of an MSP430F2274 prototyping board, analogous to the

Olimex MSP430-P1611. I’ve been using the 2274 board from TI, which is

adequate, but is expensive (bundled with a FET430UIF, but I really don’t

need more than one of those) and lacks the creature comforts I’ve become

accustomed to from my Olimex boards:

  1. 32kHz crystal

  2. MAX232

  3. Voltage regulator

  4. HF crystal socket

  5. Reset button

  6. Power LED

which don’t sound like much but are notable in their absence.

This is of course just one vote, since I wouldn’t expect to buy nearly

enough to justify a production run.

On the other hand, it wouldn’t surprize me if many others see the 2274

as I do: the perfect mid-range MSP430 – not too big, not too small;

all the gizmos I want, and few that I don’t; small and fast.

I second this and would like to see an EZ430 4 pin interface on it. Talk about cost effective programming/debugging interface!

I’m designing one like that.


Here is my draft schematic:

It’s all surface-mount apart from the RS-232 connector. All the I/Os will be brought out to pads and there will be a prototyping area. Debugging/programming will need the Olimex MSP430-JTAG TINY fitted with a 14 pin to 4 pin adapter, I won’t use those silly little connectors that TI uses as they are very difficult to get here in the UK, I had to get some samples from the US when I wanted a few for another board I designed.

I’ve just ordered some sample chips from TI.

Any comments? I know I’ve missed off the LED and reset button. I’ll see if I can make provision for a 32768 Hz crystal.
