Hello all,
I have searched high and low with as many different search terms as I can possibly think of to no avail.
I am wanting to print certain dynamic data (temperature) to the Qwiic display with the address 0x70 and different dynamic data (time) to the Qwiic display with the address 0x71. None of the tutorials or examples tell how to print to a specific device address.
I have tested both displays and they work properly with the tutorial/examples.
This is a programming question.
Is this possible?
Thanks in advance!
There is an [example where two displays are treated at one big one. You could use it like that combining your temperature and time data in one string.
I don’t know if it’ll work, but to treat them as more independent, I would try something like
HT16K33 display1;
HT16K33 display2;
void setup() {
if (display1.begin(0x70) == false) {
// error handling here
if (display2.begin(0x71) == false) {
// error handling here
](SparkFun_Alphanumeric_Display_Arduino_Library/examples/Example_08_MultiDisplay/Example_08_MultiDisplay.ino at main · sparkfun/SparkFun_Alphanumeric_Display_Arduino_Library · GitHub)