Hi everyone.
Here is the point : I want to use the SparkFun LED Driver Breakout (TLC5940) and a SD Card Module on my MEGA2560
Both of them are using the SPI protocol.
I try to make them coexist together but the SD card can’t be initialized when the TLC5940 is plugged.
What I have :
for the SD Card Module, I put the SS (it is called CS on my module) on pin 4 ;
to use the sparkfun breakout with my Arduino, I have included the TLC5940 library, the SS pin on a MEGA2560 is 53.
Theoretically there is no problem because both of the pins are different, but even if I manually set the pin 53 to HIGH when I try to use my SD card, the initialization fails.
Any Idea ?
Thanks (and sorry my English is so poor)