Multipurpose accelerometer use question


I am developing a remote controlled underwater vehicle. I already have a 3g 3 axis accelerometer by analog. I was just wondering, would it be wise to use the accelerometer to measure acceleration and tilt in all axes at the same time? I was wondering since only the formulas set them apart. Thanks in advance.

I am developing a remote controlled underwater vehicle. I already have a 3g 3 axis accelerometer by analog. I was just wondering, would it be wise to use the accelerometer to measure acceleration and tilt in all axes at the same time? I was wondering since only the formulas set them apart. Thanks in advance.

There’s nothing wrong with using the same accelerometer for both types of readings, but the only way you can get tilt information is if you already know what your acceleration is. When you measure your tilt, you just measure the accelerations and assume that they’re all components of gravity. If you’re not in an unaccelerated state, you won’t be able to separate the accelerations from outside forces from the accelerations caused by gravity.

Depending on your requirements, you may be able to fake it by taking a set of measurements, and using them for tilt if the accelerations add up to 1g (and ignoring it if they don’t). It’s not always going to be right, but it might be the best you can do without adding more sensors.