My sketch bricks Arduino Pro Micro

This sketch bricks Arduino Pro Micro.

#include "HID-Project.h"
#include <Stepper.h>

const int pinSteer = A3;
const int pinAcc = A1;
const int pinBrake = A2;

const int stepsPerRevolution = 96; // 360 / 3.75 = 96
const int maxSpeed = 500;
const int maxSteps = 9;

uint32_t printTimer;
uint32_t loopTimer;
uint32_t timeout = 100;
int steer, prevSteer;

int inc, incDir;

Stepper myStepper(stepsPerRevolution, 4, 5, 6, 7);

void setup() 

  steer = 512;
  prevSteer = 512;

  inc = 0;
  incDir = 1;

  loopTimer = millis();
  printTimer = millis();

void loop() 
  if (millis() - loopTimer < timeout)
  loopTimer = millis();


void motorStep()
  if (steer > 0x02FF || steer < 0x00FF)

  //int targetSteer = Serial.parseInt();
  int targetSteer = 512;
  //print1s(steer, 1000);

  int dmp = dumper();
  int diff = steer - targetSteer;
  Serial.print(" ");
  diff += dmp * 0.0;

  int steps = constrain(diff * 1, 0, maxSteps);
int dumper()
  int v = steer - prevSteer;
  prevSteer = steer;
  return v;

void readSensors()
  int acc, brake;
  steer = analogRead(pinSteer);
  int x = map(steer, 0, 1023, -32767, 32767);
  //print1s(steer, 20);

void print1s(int val1, int delay)
  if (millis() - printTimer < delay)
  printTimer = millis();

Device Manager reports: A request for the USB device descriptor failed.

I checked it twice. This sketch worked fine until I replaced the DC motor with a stepper.

Example for stepper works fine.

I have one more problem.

The sketch loading takes more than eight seconds. I haven’t been able to upload the sketch yet. The microcontroller revived on its own miraculously. After that, I uploaded this toxic sketch again and the board was bricked.

I noticed that the bootloader stops for 8s even after one click. Perhaps this explains something. I connected a button to the RST pin but the behavior didn’t change.

I also tried this … st-failed/

And so, I have two questions.

  1. Why is this script bricks the board?

  2. How to revive the board?

Thanks in advance!

You’ve uploaded your sketch to a 3.3 volt board with the IDE set for 5 volt or uploaded your sketch to a 5 volt board with the IDE set to 3.3 volts.

The instructions in the link below will help you recover your board. … #ts-revive

Thanks for the answer.

I can’t find in the IDE where I can set 3.5 or 5 volts. I would be very grateful if you could advise me. Although, I don’t think that’s the reason. The board is only bricked when I upload this particular sketch. Other sketches work fine.